I ve Only Had an Argument Again Gallagher Cinema

Jeanette Patricia Beard


This is the story of the murder of Jeanette Patricia Bristles, a 15 year old schoolgirl from Brixton, who, on a summertime's evening, was brutally murdered.  Her murder has never been solved.  I accept gathered together equally much evidence as I could find from numerous paper reports at the time so that you tin decide for yourself who killed Pat Bristles…..

Jeanette Patricia Beard – The Victim

Jeanette Beard (known locally as Pat Beard) was built-in in the borough of Lambeth in 1935, the youngest of 8 children.  Her mother was Maud Howlett and her father was William (Beak) Beard.  They lived at xviii Medwin Street, Brixton.  On 9th Baronial 1950, fifteen year sometime Pat was brutally murdered in Brixton whilst out buying some chips.

Victor James Boyle – The Defendant

Victor was born in 1897 in Dartford, Kent.  His mother was Isabel Burrows and his father called James Andrew Boyle who worked at the Royal Arsenal in Woolwich.  It seems that Boyle became an habitual criminal equally in 1911, anile just thirteen, he was an 'inmate' at Birkdale Farm Reformatory School for Catholic in Southport – a schoolhouse for 200 boys who had been involved in criminal behaviour.  Information technology was a long way from home and his family who were all the same living in Kent.

Boyle somewhen moved back to London and in 1921 was wanted by the Metropolitan Law in Ten Division (Willesden) for attempting to cash a stolen check.

In August 1924 Boyle was and then charged with theft from a warehouse in Brunswick Identify, Urban center Road, Shoreditch.  It was stated that he was a pugilist and was living in Pimlico when the crime was committed.

Eventually Boyle became a club doorman in Soho but he was due to start a new job equally an engineer stoker at Paddington Station, earning £ten a week the mean solar day after Pat Beard was killed.  He lived in Medwin Street as 'human being and wife' with his landlady, Mrs Hilda Gallagher and her daughter, Audrey Gallagher.  They lived next door but one to Pat Bristles at 22 Medwin Street, Brixton. Victor was known locally as Boyle, Gallagher, Chocolate-brown and 'Boxer Brownish'.

~ Pat's Murder ~

9th August 1950 – The facts

It was alleged that Pat had struck up a friendship with Hilda Gallagher's daughter, Audrey, and it was through Audrey that she became friendly with Victor Boyle in June 1949.

At nine:10pm on Midweek 9th Baronial 1950, Pat was given some money to go and purchase some chips from the local fish shop.  She was seen by witnesses in the surface area.

At ix:25pm, Pat was seen "staggering similar a drunken adult female down Allardyce Street and Ferndale Road, moaning something virtually 'police'" before she complanate and died.  A stain on a wall in Allardyce street and a trail of claret leading to Ferndale Road confirmed this version of events.

Pat had been killed by two cuts on the left hand side of her neck by her jugular vein by a very sharp implement, such as a razor.  A number of cuts to her hands suggested she put upwards a fight against her assaulter.  Underneath her was 2s. 6d. (the money she had taken to go to the fish store).


Officers from Scotland Yard issued an entreatment for information on a man whom they wished to question in relation to Pat'due south fell murder.   They described him as being nigh 53 years of age, with scars on his cheek and lips, and a tattoo on his left forearm that read 'I dear Polly, Pansy and Jessie forever'.  It was also reported that police had searched a dwelling near to Pat'southward and found a letter of suicide that was believed to have been written by a human being who knew her.  Constabulary searched a number of Soho clubs and interviewed people who knew him.

~ Trial – October 1950 – One-time Bailey ~

  • Defence: Mr L J Belcourt
  • Prosecution: Mr Christmas Humphreys / Mr F D Barry
  • Approximate: Mr Justice Byrne
  • Pathologist: Dr F E Camps
  • Witness: Frederick George – coffee stall possessor
  • Witness: George Patrick O'Brien – lorry commuter
  • Witness: Maud Bristles
  • Witness: Hilda Julia Gallagher – Boyle's landlady/partner
  • Witness: 'Stiff' – Friend of Victor Boyle
  • Witness: Margaret Pennington
  • Witness: Mr Ellis – barber

Before the trial began, Mr Belcourt objected to 3 women who were about to be sworn in equally members of the jury and they were subsequently replaced by men.


The police force had received a complaint against Victor Boyle in connection with an alleged assault on two young girls.  It was declared that Boyle mistakenly believed Pat Beard was responsible for the allegations and he wished to take revenge. Information technology was on this basis that the prosecution claimed he killed Pat – in revenge for "shopping him".

Boyle pleaded 'Not Guilty'.



Mr Humphreys opened the case by stating that the murder of Pat Beard was premeditated and planned hours before it was committed.

"The case for the Crown in a word is this.  This man lived side by side door but i to the girl.  He knew her well.  Someone complained to the police of his conduct in relation to other pocket-sized girls.  He thought it was Pat, equally this daughter was known.  He decided to have his revenge on her for what he believed she had done.  Perhaps the most tragic feature of this case is that it is untrue that the daughter had 'shopped' Boyle to the police force.  She had said cipher to the police force.  They had acquired their data in quite a dissimilar way.  What matters is that he believed it to be truthful and had said so more than than once.  That is the motive for this murder".

"He borrowed a cut-throat razor, made a rendevouz with the daughter, and was seen with her a few minutes earlier she was murdered.  Soon after the murder he confessed to information technology in particular in a public house.  Soon after midnight he confessed again to two acquaintances at a coffee stall on the embankment".

"Later on going to Liverpool, whether he wrote to his landlady a letter with tended to show that he tried to get away from the docks but failed, he gave himself upwards to the police force.  The story began at 2pm on ninth August and ended most 12 hours later with his confession on the Embankment".

"Pat was seen by neighbours shortly before the time of the murder.  When she returned she fell downward in the middle of Medwin Street and in that location her life ebbed away from the terrible wounds in her throat caused by something like a razor.  A half a crown was constitute near her".

"Later in a public firm, Boyle told Mrs Gallagher, 'I've only done Pat in' and when asked where, said 'Outside the church in Allardyce Street where they take whist drives'.  He produced a razor and there was blood on his easily".

"Pat had said nothing to the constabulary.  No i saw the murder committed".

Prosecution's timeline of events:

  • 1.30pm, Boyle was seen by a constabulary officeholder equally a result of a complaint made about him. (*Encounter 3.30pm, below)
  • 2pm he had met a man named 'Stiff' in a pub, (who knew Boyle as 'Boxer Brown') and explained that he had been interrogated by the police in connection with an declared assault on a young girl and that he believed a 15 yr erstwhile girl had been the one who had reported him and said he was "going to slap her".
  • 3.30pm Boyle was seen by a police officer*. (In that location are conflicting reports surrounding the time)
  • 4pm it was alleged that Boyle was seen looking out of the window at his dwelling house address when Pat Beard and some other girl walked past and had said he had a present for them and he was going away the adjacent solar day.
  • 5.15pm it was alleged Boyle was seen talking to Pat on the corner of Concannon Street and was heard to say "9 o'clock".  It was then, the prosecution alleged, that Boyle bundled to run across Pat exterior the Church of the Commencement Built-in in Allardyce Street.
  • v.30-5.45pm, he visited a barber's shop and borrowed a cut-throat razor.  (The case for which was institute at Boyle's accost).
  • 8.30pm Boyle left his abode for 15 minutes to use the telephone.  Notwithstanding, it was during this fourth dimension that he was allegedly seen talking to Pat.
  • 8.45pm Boyle, who had returned dwelling, complained of feeling unwell to Mrs Gallagher and asked her to gear up the alarm for 10pm equally he intended to go to sleep before his night shift.
  • 8.50pm, Mrs Gallagher went out and left Boyle lying on the bed.  The prosecution suggested that it may well take been an alibi as he had left the business firm but 10 minutes subsequently.
  • 9pm, Pat left her home to purchase some chips.  She had to walk past no.22 and as before long every bit she had, a witness claimed a man left no.22 and followed her.  The witness failed to identify Boyle from a line up.
  • But earlier 9.30pm, Boyle was seen continuing outside the chip store.  The prosecution stated that Pat had gone in to the shop and five minutes afterwards was seen walking down Ferndale route.  Minutes afterwards she was and so seen staggering back earlier collapsing.
  • It was declared that Boyle met Pat equally bundled and brutally attacked her, slitting her pharynx.  Mr Humphreys also claimed that Boyle had left a letter at his lodgings addressed to Hilda Gallagher, marked 'To exist opened at midnight'.  In the alphabetic character, Boyle had written:
  • I have been trapped into something I cannot explain.  I am taking great care that the person responsible volition not get whatever other poor devil in the same manner.

  • At around 10pm Boyle went to speak to Mrs Gallagher in The Angel pub in Coldharbour Lane where he is declared to have said "I take merely done Pat in…. outside the church in Allardyce Street where they accept the whist drives", that he so produced a blood-soaked razor and had blood on his correct mitt.
  • The prosecution claimed that Boyle had then inverse before fleeing.
  • Betwixt midnight and 2am Boyle headed to Charing Cross and stopped at a coffee stall endemic by Frederick George, where he told a lorry driver – George  O'Brien from Old Kent Road – that he had "slashed a daughter in Brixton" who had shopped him to the constabulary for interfering with her and that he "didn't know if she was live or expressionless".  He as well said "the law" had visited him that afternoon.  It was alleged that he produced the razor and demonstrated how he did it.
  • He told Frederick George (whom he knew) that "I have done a murder.  I am in it at present".
  • He then hitchhiked to Liverpool with the intention of leaving the country.  Whilst there he saw a priest.
  • On Friday 11th Baronial 1950 Boyle telephoned the law at Southport and handed himself in, asking the police for "a square deal" in return.  He told them that he was "the chap they were looking for in London" merely that "I don't know nothing most the murder".
  • Boyle made a statement in Liverpool in which he declared that he was at his lodgings between 8pm and 10pm on the night of the murder.
  • The prosecution also claimed that Boyle had previously been thinking about taking Pat to Ireland with him.


Witness: Mrs Gallagher:

Mrs Gallagher was extremely ill by the fourth dimension of the trial and was taken from Bethnal Dark-green Hospital (where she was a patient) to the key criminal court on a stretcher past ambulance, accompanied past a doc and a uniformed nurse.  At ane stage of the cross-examination she lost consciousness and had to receive medical attention.

Her version of events was that Boyle had been a lodger at her house and that on 9th August he had told her that he had been accused of interfering with children but said that it wasn't him and that he wanted her to believe it was not him.  She also stated that when he arrived at the Angel pub and told her that he had "but done Pat in…", she didn't believe him and asked which Pat he meant, to which he replied "immature Pat Beard".He showed me the razor and on his mitt he had blood". She was horrified.  Boyle as well said that he had "meant to kill her".

Mrs Gallagher claimed they and so took a taxi to Victoria and Boyle held her wrist with his left hand and saturday with his correct hand in his pocket in which was the razor. She stated that she was petrified.  "I realised I was alone with a mad man and could non get away".  When asked by the prosecution if he had threatened her, she replied "Yep, he said I was to say nothing. He implied that my life and my daughter'southward life would be in danger".

When cross-examined by the Defence, Mr Belcourt, Mrs Gallagher agreed that she had made ii statements to the constabulary – 1 after midnight on the nighttime of the murder and ane a few days ago.  When asked why she had made no reference to the declared Angel public business firm conversation in i of her statements to the police, she replied "I was as well scared – he was still at big".

Mr Belcourt stated that " not until 28th Baronial did you refer to this declared conversation in the Angel public house – that is then, isn't it "? – "Yes".

"I advise that the conversation, or about of it, was invented by you, Mrs Gallagher?" to which she replied "I wish information technology were".

When asked whether Boyle had told her that Pat wanted to go to Ireland with him, Mrs Gallagher replied "I don't know what their arrangements were".  She denied that Boyle told her that when he got to the scene of the offense he saw a pool of claret and a oversupply of people and that he then heard Pat had been stabbed, went back into the business firm and wrote a notation for her.  He did not tell her that he had looked for his "cut-throat" razor and found information technology was missing.

Referring to messages written by Boyle, Mr Belcourt said:

" In these messages addressed to you every bit "My own darling Zona" and "Darling Zona", it was obvious that he loved you very much?, to which she replied "I recollect he was fond of me".

He so stated, " He trusted you implicitly". – "Absolutely"

" He had a consummate and utter confidence that you lot would keep to yourself anything he confided in you ". – "I don't consider that I betrayed his trust.  I don't meet that he trusted me with anything.  I trusted him, for that affair".

Subsequently on Mrs Gallagher said "He didn't trust me.  He frightened and terrorised me into a position".

Witness: Mrs Beard

The prosecution asked Mrs Bristles if she knew a man in the neighbourhood called Boyle.  She replied  "Yes. I do" before turning to await at Boyle and muttering "Filth".  She went on to say "I knew him by the name of John.  As he was passing my door he would sometimes say 'Hello Pat'".  Mrs Beard explained that on 9th August, Pat went out at 9.10pm to buy some chips.  "She took 2s. 6d out of my bag.  She said 'I will come back to go to bed early, Mum, because I don't feel well'.  I never saw her over again".

When cross-examined past the Defence, Mrs Beard said that Pat had no boyfriends.

Mr Belcourt asked – " she never went to the pictures with whatever young men? " – "Not to my knowledge".

" Did she ever go dancing? " – "No".

Mrs Bristles, weeping, turned to Boyle and shouted "Yous BEAST, Yous SCOUNDREL"!

Witness: Dr F E Camps, Pathologist

Dr Camps confirmed that Pat had died from wounds to her neck caused by a very sharp instrument such equally a sharp knife or razor.  Dr Camps went on to state "The girl knew what was happening.  She conspicuously put up a considerable defence".

Witness: Mrs Pennington

Mrs Pennington said she saw Pat "Staggering along like a drunken woman.  She was moaning and I heard sounds which, when I call back well-nigh information technology, were like 'police, get the police force'".  She went out and plant Pat lying in the route covered in blood.

Witness: Mr George

Mr George stated that at around 12.30am, Boyle had came to his coffee stall at Charing Cross and told him "I'thousand well in problem.  I've washed a murder".  Mr George also picked Boyle out in an identity parade.

Witness: Mr O'Brien

Mr O'Brien stated that "Boyle told me he was in expressionless problem.  He said he had slashed a girl in Brixton and he did not know whether she was alive or dead".  Mr O'Brien had as well picked Boyle out in an identity parade.

When the prosecution asked if Boyle had annihilation to say, his Defence Mr Belcourt, said "Through me he says he is innocent of the accuse and he has a complete answer to it".

Defense force:

Mr Belcourt claimed that Boyle had admitted that he had arranged to meet Pat at 9.30pm outside the church in Allardyce Street on 9th August, merely when he got there she was lying in a pool of claret and he panicked as he thought he'd be a doubtable, so fled.  He returned to his flat where he wrote a note to Mrs Gallagher.

He then visited Mrs Gallagher at a pub in  Coldharbour Lane and asked her what she had done with his razor, to which she denied having seen it.  She was then said to have become very agitated when Boyle had told her that Pat had been killed and she then produced a razor blade from her handbag.  Mr Belcourt went on to allege that Boyle had asked her why she had taken his razor, to which she replied that she had seen some of the Brixton mob and told them that Boyle was meeting Pat outside the church in Allardyce Street.


Mr Belcourt referred to the evidence that five razors, 1 bloodstained, had reached the police after inquiries started.

Victor Boyle

When asked by the defense force if he killed Pat Bristles, he replied "No, sir".  Boyle went on to say

He commencement met Mrs Gallagher in February 1949.  His human relationship with her was nearly that of human being and wife.  He met Pat Beard effectually June 1949 when she became friendly with Mrs Gallagher's girl, Audrey Gallagher.  She seemed very fond of him.  They were simply friends and in that location was nothing improper in their relationship.  Mr Belcourt asked him what was his reaction?  "I felt rather flattered that a immature girl like her should exist addicted of me.  I idea she was a nice girl and in a way I was addicted of her.  There was naught more to it".  He went on to land that Mrs Gallagher had somewhen ordered Pat Beard out of the house as she did non like his association with Pat in whatever way.  He said he had met Pat at 5.15pm and made an appointment to run across her at 9.30pm.  He made no attempt to conceal himself and people saw him talking to her in the street.

After leaving her he borrowed a razor from Mr Ellis.  There was nothing sinister in this.

While waiting for Pat subsequently he saw a big pool of blood against a wall and thought someone had had an accident.  He realised Pat was not there so thought he would go back to Medwin Street to meet her so that she would not have to meet the claret and retraced his steps. At the corner of Medwin Street, he saw a big crowd of people, and a woman told him "It is Pat Bristles – she has been stabbed".  He realised he would be a likely suspect and decided to become abroad.  He went back to the flat and wrote a note to Mrs Gallagher.

"When I went into the kitchenette to collect my razor the case was there, simply the razor was missing, and I did non know what to think", said Boyle.

Boyle said that he asked Mrs Gallagher what she had washed with his razor and she had denied having seen it.  He then said "Pat Bristles's been washed" and Mrs Gallagher said "No, no, no – she can't be dead.  Mayhap she'due south only injured".  She was in a very agitated condition and he bought her a scotch whisky.

When they went exterior, he asked her again what she had done with his razor.  "She got hold of my arm and said 'In my handbag'.  She took it out of her purse and gave it to me.  I opened the razor and information technology was make clean.  There was no claret on information technology whatsoever".  He asked her what she had taken his razor for and she said she had seen some of the Brixton mob and told them he was going to meet Pat outside the church building in Allardyce Street.

At one stage during his evidence, Boyle turned to the jury and said "Please do not call up that I think Mrs Gallagher did this thing".  He denied that he ever confessed to killing Pat Beard equally Mrs Gallagher had alleged.

When cross-examined by the prosecution he was asked " Y'all were fleeing the country, though y'all were innocent? " to which he replied "I was frightened".

Closing speeches


Summing up, Mr Humphreys said to the jury:

The example for the prosecution was still that the man lived next door but i to the girl who was murdered, that he knew her well, that someone complained of his conduct almost two small girls and he thought it was Pat, and that he decided in the words of one of his witnesses "to become and slap her".  He borrowed a cut-pharynx razor for the purpose.  He fabricated a rendevouz with the girl for ix.30pm and he kept it.  He had no excuse for the fourth dimension of the murder and, indeed, he at present did not desire one because he said he was in that location just well-nigh the time the murder was committed.  Soon subsequently the murder he had confessed it in detail to his landlady, and presently after that confessed to acquaintances on the Beach.  He and so changed his dress, hoping to escape recognition, tried to go out of the state and failed, saw a priest, and gave himself upwardly.  Counsel suggested in that location was evidence Boyle killed the girl for revenge, because he believed, though wrongly, that it was Pat Beard who was "shopping" him in respect of some alleged indecent assaults on to other little girls.


Summing upwards, Mr Belcourt said to the jury:

The jury had heard the medical evidence.

Might not somebody else accept had some motive out of jealousy or spite, who might take heard that Boyle was going to meet the girl; who might have heard that Boyle was thinking of taking her (Pat) to Republic of ireland – or that Pat Beard herself might have said to somebody that he was asking to take her away to Ireland?

Boyle had no reason at all to murder the girl – there was no question of gain or sexual activity and no question of jealousy and so far as he was concerned.  It had been said by the prosecution that Boyle had given himself upwardly to the police.  "What he had done was to tell the police that he wanted a square deal".

He had stoutly protested his innocence throughout.

Counsel referred to bear witness that five razors, one of them bloodstained, had come into the hands of the police afterwards inquiries had begun. It is a coincidence, is information technology not, that at that place should be found round the place where this crime was committed, a blood stained razor?.  They knew that Boyle had zippo to do with that razor, he declared.


Summing Up: Mr Justice Byrne:

The Jury would not let their minds to exist prejudiced by the fact that the law had been making inquiries from Boyle concerning alleged acts of impropriety against two girls.  They would presume that the charges apropos the two girls were unfounded.

The Verdict – 26th October 1950

The courtroom sabbatum late at the Old Bailey and the jury retired for just 50 minutes before returning to say "Nosotros are not unanimous in our verdict".  The judge, seemingly irritated, remarked "You lot have not been out for very long.  I do non feel inclined to release you lot at the moment.  I retrieve you had better have farther fourth dimension for consideration.  Is there whatsoever matter with regard to which I tin help you – whatever piece of evidence you would similar me to remind you of?".  As the foreman replied "Nosotros are seven to five, my Lord….", the Approximate interrupted "No, I do non want to know how yous are divided.  I want to know if there was any point of police with which I could assist yous." The foreman replied "no, my Lord".  The guess responded "Am I to take it there is no prospect at all of you reaching an agreement, or would you similar further time to consider it?".

The jury retired over again and 1hr 45mins later returned with a verdict.  In a hushful courtroom, the jury foreman quietly announced the verdict of ' Not Guilty '. Boyle was acquitted.


Boyle swiftly left through some other get out and said to the waiting press "It is marvellous.  I have some friends in the state and I shall be going away to them for a while.  I intend to ask the British Railways if they volition give me back my old job.  If I cannot get my old job back what hope is there for me at my age?  In that instance, the only affair I tin can recall of doing is, perhaps, going to Ireland.

Unfortunately for Boyle, things didn't go according to plan…..

(The file apropos this case is held at The National Archives and is closed until ane Jan 2051).


 ~ Further trial for set on – Nov 1950 ~

Further trial – Improper assault of 2 girls – Instance 1: 15th November 1950

  • Prosecution: Mr R Eastward Seaton
  • Defence: Mr Norman Embankment
  • Judge: Mr W B Frampton
  • Law: Det Insp Jerden
  • Constabulary: Det Insp Frederick Clark

Just three weeks afterwards beingness acquitted on the Pat Beard murder, Victor Boyle, past this time living at 6 Cheltenham Road, Peckham, constitute himself back in a courtroom room.  On 15th November he appeared at South Western Court on remand charged with assaulting two girls:

  • Declared that on  31st July 1950 he assaulted a girl aged eleven at Medwin Street;
  • Declared that on  4 August 1950 he assaulted a girl aged 7 at the same accost.

At a pre-hearing, Mr Beach stated that the charges against Boyle were an outrage.

I exercise feel that some protestation ought to be made that this man should be subjected to and the victim of this charge.  He was recently tried upon a charge of murder and these declared assaults were role of the res gaestae of that charge.  Information technology was an outrage of public morality that a man who had been falsely charged with murder, and detained in custody with that grave charge over his head, should find himself at this stage, iii weeks afterward he had been acquitted, charged with these offences.  He went on to say that the Director of Public Prosecutions had non brought the charges now before the court.  They were brought by the Commissioner of Constabulary.

The Magistrate, Mr Frampton, said in reply:

The fact that on one charge he was acquitted is no grounds for maxim other charges of a bottom nature should not be proceeded with.  The man would not be charged with any other offences while he was charged with murder.  The fact that he was acquitted on a much more than serious accuse was no reason why he should not exist charged with another offence.

The prosection, Mr Seaton, stated:

If complaints were made near these matters the police had a duty to perform.  The complaints were made before Boyle was charged with murder

Witness: Det Insp Clark

Det Insp Clark said that on ninth August 1950 at 10.30pm he searched the rooms in Medwin Street and found a sealed envelope addressed in pencil to "Mrs H Gallagher, to be opened at midnight, nine/8/l".


Mr Seaton, putting the prosecution's case, said information technology was declared that on one occasion Boyle called one of the little girls "cute darling" and kissed her and that another girl had said she had been assaulted and given a shilling by him.  Boyle said "I cannot remember what I did".

The vii year one-time daughter appeared in courtroom, where speaking in a tiny voice, she said:

… She knew Boyle equally 'Johnny' and she had seen him in the street ane day and he said "Oh, you beautiful darling, oh you lot beautiful girl", and asked her to go upwardly to his flat.  She went and after some conversation on a settee in the front room he gave her a 1/-.

He had kissed her on the face while they were sitting on the settee, merely "they were non like mummy's and daddy's kisses – they were horrid".  She told no 1 virtually information technology because Boyle told her not to.

The guess, Mr Frampton, dismissed the charge of assault against the 7 year old girl, deciding that there was no case to reply.

Case 2:

  • Defence: Mr L J Belcourt & Mr N Beach
  • Prosecution: Mr R E Seaton
  • Judge: Mr Justice Streatfield

On 23rd November 1950, Boyle appeared once over again at the Central Criminal Court charged with improperly assaulting an xi year one-time girl in Medwin Street between 1 July-9 August 1950.


Mr Seaton opened the trial with the comment

"The jury might take the view that the daughter in this example was not a particularly moral child and that she consented to what it was alleged took place.  That fabricated not the slightest bit of difference considering the constabulary was designed to protect children confronting their own evil inclinations".

He explained that Boyle was living in Medwin Street and the girl (who lived with her parents nearby) would visit his house to assist in odd jobs for which Boyle paid her 6d. a week pocket money.  The daughter had claimed Boyle had indecently assaulted her on a number of ocassions and medical evidence confirmed this.

Mr Seaton said he was not producing the statements equally only two were relevant to the case to which Mr Beach stated he would ask for a amendment against the Commissioner of Police to produce the statements.  The judge stated he had no authority to demand that Mr Seaton produce the statements.

Defence force:

Mr Beach cross-examined the eleven yr quondam girl who claimed that Boyle had asked her to go to his flat, and he had thrown the keys from his window then she could let herself in. She had fabricated 4 statements to the police.  She said that she knew Boyle every bit 'Johnny' and that he had been abusing her for over a twelvemonth – upwards to three times a week.  Boyle was well known for being generous to local children.

The girl was also cross-examined past Mr Belcourt where she admitted that with dates and other matters she had not told the truth in the witness box.  She went on to state that she had been too scared to tell her parents near the abuse because Boyle had told her that he owned a gun.

Boyle said the girl went to his firm in guild to play the piano and, as she likewise ran errands for him, he gave her 6d. a week until July.  On 28th July he saw the girl leaving a basement apartment in Ferndale Road and she admitted to Boyle she had been "misbehaving with a man" she had previously met in a movie house.  He said that he refused to allow her to enter his home afterward that and stopped her pocket coin, denying any abuse took place.

Mr Justice Streatfield, summing upwardly, said that although it was open to the jury to deed upon the sworn evidence of a young daughter, even though the bear witness was completely uncorroborated, it was not rubber to do so unless they could discover some corroboration of her story.

Boyle was found not guilty and discharged.  He died in 1994.


Source: https://scepticpeg.wordpress.com/2016/06/13/who-killed-schoolgirl-jeanette-beard/

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