Can Pregnant Eat Beef Jerky Yahoo Answer

What is beef jerky?

Beef jerky is portions of beef made in lean cuts, then processed with marinated spice, sauce, and different kinds of additives. There are different methods and processes to prepare a beef jerky; for instance, you can dry, smoke and cure before it is prepared to be put up for sale.

Another name for beef jerky is ch'arki from Quechua and can be explained as a slice of meat that is dried and well salted. It is a well-known common snack that is convenient. However, some people see it as an unhealthy snack food while others see it as healthy.

Can You Eat Beef Jerky While Pregnant

Can You Eat Beef Jerky While Pregnant

This beef has gone through the proof of trimming fat, then sliced into strips and spread to dry well to avoid getting worse.

There is a constant need to pee during pregnancy, constant brain fog, and an inability to control the ahem or gas. The pregnancy phase comes with different challenges and brings strange reactions to your body. Just blame it on the hormones.

Constant cravings appear to be some pregnant women issues. They get cravings for weird foods from time to time which affects them so strongly and even at an abnormal time.

Most times, the food cravings come with odd food combinations, but not every time does this feeling come by. Instead, they might crave one of their favorite snacks, for instance, beef jerky.

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When a pregnant woman has a craving, there is no limit to how much variety they wish they could have all at once. They crave cheese, ice cream, bread, spicy dish, and all other food they can lay their hands on. One of the common cravings is beef jerky, and it is spicy and delicious. but most people wonder if it is safe for pregnant women to eat

Beef jerky has a high level of protein and sodium. Sodium causes dehydration in the body and makes morning sickness worse, which could be the beef jerky just being overactive in your body which can lead to an increase in blood pressure. However, beef jerky is best enjoyed when it is sparingly. It is important to be aware that the way it has been prepared does not guarantee it would be free from bacteria.

However, this snack might be unsafe to take in when pregnant, so you might want to have a second thought before ordering it instantly.

Basically, during pregnancy, cravings begin at the first trimester; toward the second trimester, craving level increases, and at the third trimester, it starts to reduce rill the time of delivery is due.

However, medical practitioners or researchers have yet to give directions on the type of food and flavor. Instead, they texture what they should crave, and the most conclusion is just hanged on the hormonal changes that affect the woman's body. It causes different cravings for food that might lack vitamins or nutrients essential to the body.

Oops! Still, wondering if beef jerky is okay for pregnant women to eat? Keep reading through this article, and we've gathered lots of interesting things you need to know about having beef jerky during the pregnancy phase.

The Risks:

  1. Toxoplasma and Foodborne illness: this is also known as food poison, and anyone can get affected by this, but if a pregnant woman gets affected by this, the chances that it can ruin a lot is high and also cause damages to the immune system. The constant difficulty the body gets from fighting the bacteria off can lead to weakness and make you sick.

Toxoplasma is one bacteria that makes you sick, affecting the baby if immediate medical attention is not given to it. So yes, I agree with you that Beef jerky is not raw, but still, it is not properly made traditionally.

Preparing beef at high heat temperature helps kill bacteria and prevent it from affecting the body. However, just drying up meat does not ensure the bacteria are killed. Always check the temperate at which the beef jerky was dried before buying it—eating beef jerky while pregnant might cause harm to the body and the baby.

It is a common infection that most people don't even take note of if it is in their body because it clears up by itself. Still, it is best not to take toxoplasmosis infection likely because it can cause congenital disabilities to prevent this infection from getting to the body by all means, especially during pregnancy. Always wash your hands after touching uncooked or undercooked meat, fruits and vegetable before eating.

  1. Another important reason beef jerky should be avoided during pregnancy is the high level of salt it has. Too much salt consumption can cause the blood pressure to increase, which is not safe for the body and the baby. It can also cause discomfort and increase the swelling in the body.

During pregnancy having high blood pressure can increase preeclampsia or preterm labor. Few reasons why beef jerky is a healthy snack;

  • This snack is an easy, always go-to food.
  • It has a long life span, and its small size makes it easy to take anywhere you go.
  • Perfect fit for the purse, bag, or backpack.
  • Is it safe for pregnant women to munch on when craving it? The answer to this is that doctors are yet to recommend this as a healthy snack for pregnant women because of the high level of salt and sodium used to preserve it during curing, which can cause harm to the baby and the mother.

However, beef jerky has a lot of minerals and vitamins that are helpful to the body, such as

  • Vitamin C and A
  • Calcium
  • Lot of proteins
  • Folate
  • Iron

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Few tips for maintaining food safety

  • Always clean your hands with water and soap and wash thoroughly before and after cooking, especially raw meats.
  • Make sure to separate seafood from raw meat and poultry food to prevent them from having cross-contamination.
  • Frozen meats are best defrosted in the fridge, not on the cabinet.
  • Poultry food and beef meat should be refrigerated around 45 degrees or below Fahrenheit.
  • Heat meat or other poultry food at the least temperature of 155 and 165 Fahrenheit.
  • Use a food dehydrator to dry the meat at 130 to 145 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Always marinate in the fridge.
  • Properly clean utensils, equipment, and surface used to prepare the food.

Beef jerky has a lot of sweetness and a good side and risks causing foodborne illness in the body. In addition, this snack is usually undercooked and does not use recommended cooking heat temperature,making the beef have harmful bacteria, listeria, toxoplasma, salmonella, and e-coli. All these are the risks pregnant women should avoid throughout the phase.

Cravings during pregnancy are difficult to battle with, especially when the food craved for it is not good for them to eat, the urge becomes even stronger.

Making sure meals have a balanced diet means that the food contains low-fat dairy, fruits, veggies, low protein, whole grains. All these can keep you away from food that can be harmful to you and your baby.

In summary, since the snack is dried and uncooked, it is best to stay away from it entirely, so you don't put your immune system in a bad state, especially during pregnancy. Staying away from it will protect you from getting a risk of bacterial infection and another harmful disease that can affect your baby or body.

It is best to opt for other savory or salty snacks. If you still have concerns about eating beef jerky during your pregnancy, it is best to talk to your doctor or check with a health care provider to determine which is best for you.


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